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October 7, 2009 at 3:41 am
Naeryn says:
I must wonder about physical attraction. What if a black woman messages a white man, and he doesn’t respond – simply because he doesn’t find her physically attractive? Granted, that may be related to race, but that doesn’t make someone racist. I myself typically find black women unattractive, largely because one of the major things that I am attracted to is very pale skin. I don’t even particularly like overly tanned white folks. This does NOT mean that I’m making a judgement call on that person’s personality, values, contributions to society, or anything else, based on race.

And, whether we all like to admit it or not, physical attraction really is important in a relationship. Am I – or is anyone else – to be judged, simply for not being attracted to people of other races, as a general rule?

October 7, 2009 at 4:03 am
ThisGuy1979 says:
this sucks, I love all the ladies, I’m just looking for one to put up with my sorry ass. black, white, blue, green, I don’t care what fkn color you are as long as you can put up with me!!!! WTF

October 7, 2009 at 4:10 am
mostlygone says:
btw, the statistician in me wants to know how large your sample size is for each subgroup. Like the popularity of Middle Eastern women is both striking and TOTALLY counterintuitive, unless your sample size for them is just a few thousand messages. Then you’d have a big margin of error to explain it.