BBW Online Dating Profile Tips
BBW Date Safe or Don’t Date
5 Tips on Growing the Relationship With BBW
Introducing Your BBW to Family and Friends
BBW Dating Safety Tips and Advice
BBW Online Dating Etiquette
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Are Feminists Finally Noticing That the Men Have Left the Building?
You gotta get her away from everyone else by saying something like, “Hey, can I talk to you for a sec?” It’s NEVER too forward to ask a woman her name! How would anybody ever get to know a new person? That’s what you ask when you meet anyone and that’s what everybody does when they meet a new person. It is perfectly good and right.
DONT slip your number. It’s MUCH better to ask for her number and not give yours out. Here’s why: (also another helpful article)
Good luck!
MidoriLei Says:
February 20th, 2012 at 7:46 pm
If you run into her briefly, compliment her! Tell her, “You look very beautiful today.” or “That color really brings out your smile.” or “You know it makes my day to see you smile. How’s your day going?” When you see her in the cafeteria, ask her, “What’s for lunch?” or ask her, “Let me treat you today.” Pay attention to her facial expression when you see her. “You look like you have a lot on your mind today. How’s everything going?” Or “you look like you won a million bucks. What’s going on?”
Or be silly and throw in some innuendo, some double entendres that are playful and show confidence. You gotta be bold to pull this off, something like, “You know, _, we really should stop meeting like this.” (smile) It has to be kinda provocative but playful. Do you dare? LOL
BBW Date Safe or Don’t Date
5 Tips on Growing the Relationship With BBW
Introducing Your BBW to Family and Friends
BBW Dating Safety Tips and Advice
BBW Online Dating Etiquette
Back To Basics
Are Feminists Finally Noticing That the Men Have Left the Building?
You gotta get her away from everyone else by saying something like, “Hey, can I talk to you for a sec?” It’s NEVER too forward to ask a woman her name! How would anybody ever get to know a new person? That’s what you ask when you meet anyone and that’s what everybody does when they meet a new person. It is perfectly good and right.
DONT slip your number. It’s MUCH better to ask for her number and not give yours out. Here’s why: (also another helpful article)
Good luck!
MidoriLei Says:
February 20th, 2012 at 7:46 pm
If you run into her briefly, compliment her! Tell her, “You look very beautiful today.” or “That color really brings out your smile.” or “You know it makes my day to see you smile. How’s your day going?” When you see her in the cafeteria, ask her, “What’s for lunch?” or ask her, “Let me treat you today.” Pay attention to her facial expression when you see her. “You look like you have a lot on your mind today. How’s everything going?” Or “you look like you won a million bucks. What’s going on?”
Or be silly and throw in some innuendo, some double entendres that are playful and show confidence. You gotta be bold to pull this off, something like, “You know, _, we really should stop meeting like this.” (smile) It has to be kinda provocative but playful. Do you dare? LOL