When Dating Philosophies Collide
Hooking Up Incredibly Stupid
Dating Myths Even the Smartest Women Believe In
Chastened: A Contemporary Cautionary Tale
The 6 Signs You’re Not Over Your Ex
The PUA vs. the Lover
Swiping the V-Card
Sex, Lies and Online Dating

awesome work. please continue these sorts of statistical analyses. as my dear old grandfather used to say, “white, black it doesn’t matter, they’re all pink on the inside.” white women need to ponder such wisdom of the ages.

October 5, 2009 at 6:20 pm
Jessie Maims says:
See, this is the reason that OKC needs a racial preference category and a mechanism that will allow people to search for people who have a preference for their racial group (something none of the other big sites have either, for some reason) so people won’t have to waste their time. If 120 women are in the area of say, an Indian guy, and only 15 are open to dating Indian males and none of them have a high match% with the Indian guy that’s searching, he can know that, instead of crafting 50 emails to women who have a high match percentage and similar interests based on each profile’s contents, receiving 3 “no thank you”s, and assuming it’s because he’s just a f*-up, or some such thing.

As a member of a particularly undesirable racial group, I can say that I’d appreciate being able to see what’s really available for me, instead of fumbling in the dark (OKC) or having to see otherwise desirable candidates that don’t want anything to do with my group romantically over and over and over again until I find the needle in the haystack (every other site that has racial preferences clearly stated).

Also, a high response rate for females may definitely mean that the woman doesn’t have that many messages to manage, but it may also mean that the lack of messages gives her the time to write rejection letters. I know that’s the case with me — high response doesn’t necessarily equal a high level of positive responses. Is there any information about which females are most likely to send first messages?