campione.htmlFour Ways to Determine Whether a Man is Worthy of Your Trust
Judging a Man By the Company He Keeps
Why Nice Guys Ignore the Girls They Like
Use Business Strategy to Improve Your Dating Life
Your Cheatin’ DRD4 Gene Mutation
The Hidden Cost of Keeping Sex Casual
Sign Me Up for Male Studies
Eleven Key Insights From the Men of Hooking Up Smart

she seems perfectly nice but her story seems rather typical to me.
I went through a patch of ‘promiscuity’ a bit later in life than most but still had a blast. I really enjoyed the sex and my rich social scene at the time.
Now that I’m older, in an LTR with kids etc, the idea of clubbing and casual sex makes me shudder.
This is because through life your wants and needs change.
For Steph, the hook up scene just isnt her cup of tea any more. Its a personal thing. Its not evidence in either direction of whether the culture is good or bad.
and what modern feminist reads dworkin? I have always been slightly embarrassed by her….

32Sassy6519 September 20, 2011 at 6:57 pm
Male validation is a very strong motivating force in some women’s lives, almost shockingly so. It’s kind of scary to think of the lengths some women will go to (Ex: engaging in risky sex/hookups) just to feel like they are attractive to a man. The problem is that the attention they get from hookups is fleeting, so the women end up trying to find a new source of attention by hooking up with someone else. They are “chasing the dragon” in a bad way.

It makes me wonder why the self-esteem of so many women is in such disrepair. Perhaps it’s the extremely critical views of female beauty by the Fashion industry and media. Maybe it’s the fact that lots of women grew up in homes with distant or absent fathers, thereby never getting the fundamental male validation needed during adolescence. Who knows.

33Dogsquat September 20, 2011 at 7:05 pm
Hi there, Pioneervalleywoman!

Despite my gender handicap, I’ve taken a couple of Women’s Studies courses at the university level. I love women, and I thought those classes would be a great way to see the “other side”, as it were.

I learned some stuff, was exposed to some different ideas, and was singled out, blamed, and yelled at a lot.

It was probably a wash, but it was a good lesson for me to understand that there are people out there who think certain things.

At any rate:

I’ve seen some similarities between economics professors and professors in your field. Some profs are like,”Okay, folks – there are two main schools of thought on this issue. School A is blah blah blah, School B is yadda yadda yadda. Know the differences and be able to explain X from both points of view for Friday’s test.”