When Dating Philosophies Collide
Hooking Up Incredibly Stupid
Dating Myths Even the Smartest Women Believe In
Chastened: A Contemporary Cautionary Tale
The 6 Signs You’re Not Over Your Ex
The PUA vs. the Lover
Swiping the V-Card
Sex, Lies and Online Dating

You basically surrender yourself to the whims of your mate, and if you didn’t choose just the right one(odds are slim that you do), it can blow up in your face.

You have clearly drunk the MRA Kool Aid on marriage. Personally, I don’t see why the odds should be slim that you choose the right partner. No one should marry who does not know their partner intimately in every respect. As I’ve said elsewhere, the divorce rate for college-educated couples in the U.S. is 17%.
Re #2:
I don’t see how becoming an effective PUA would be any less work than applying some Game to an LTR. In fact, the constant sargeing, trying to get numbers, dealing with the women who flake, etc. must be truly exhausting. At Project Hollywood, this amounted to a full-time job. Style was relieved to leave that life, though he took with him the skills necessary to maintain a LTR.
Finally, this post isn’t about selling an approach. It’s something that Belknap discovered for himself – it’s his own personal journey, and he’s sharing where it took him. He found a way to embrace his nature and still (hopefully) be effective to get what he wants. Perhaps that won’t work for other men, but I’m happy for him.


Obsidian Reply:
July 14th, 2010 at 2:13 pm

Ms. Walsh,
It is my understanding that college educated middle class Black couples have a higher chance of divorcing than their White counterparts – a key consideration for guys like Athlone, Dragnet and Escaronditio (of course, I’m the anomaly, LOL).

Do you have any info on this?

Obsidian´s last blog ..Half Sigma Is A HypocriteMy? ComLuv? Profile


Susan Walsh Reply:
July 14th, 2010 at 6:24 pm